If you're using Drupal or Magento, you can install these third-party plugins/modules to route your site's mail through Transactional Email.
A third-party plugin is available from ebizmarts to sync your Mailchimp marketing lists with Magento, and now integrate your Transactional Email account for Magento's transactional needs, such as order status emails: Ebizmarts MageMonkey Mailchimp plugin.
A third-party Transactional Email module developed to work with the Mailchimp module; features the ability to send all site emails through Transactional Email and a reporting dashboard: http://drupal.org/project/mandrill
A third-party extension that allows your Joomla! installation to send emails through Transactional Email: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/content-sharing/mailing-a-distribution-lists/20624
A third-party plugin, Mailshot, offers SMTP or Transactional Email integration.
The WordPress plugin for Transactional Email (Mandrill) is no longer supported.
- Transactional Email was formerly known as Mandrill and may still be referred to as such by third-party plug-ins or apps.
- Transactional Email does not create or maintain third-party plugins and we can't guarantee these services or products.
- Before you can send email through your account, you must add SPF and DKIM records and verify ownership of your sending domains. Transactional Email will not send any emails from unverified domains or domains without valid SPF and DKIM records, including public domains like gmail.com, yahoo.com, and more.
If a message is rejected and the reject reason is "unsigned" that means that the sending domain is not properly set up, and that your account cannot send and authenticate emails from that domain.
Learn more about SPF and DKIM and domain verification, or manage sending domains in your Transactional Email account.