Below is a list of the keys included for message events.
Key | description | ||
ts | the integer utc unix timestamp when the event occurred | ||
event | the name of the event, one of: send, deferral, hard_bounce, soft_bounce, open, click, spam, unsub, reject | ||
url | for click events only, the url clicked for the event | ||
ip | for open and click events only, the ip address where the event originated | ||
user_agent | for open and click events only, the user agent string for the environment (ie, browser or email client) where the open or click occurred | ||
location | for open and click events only, the location where the event occurred. value will be null if no location can be determined from the ip address of the event. otherwise, an array of key/value pairs with the following keys: | ||
country_short | string | abbreviated country | |
country_long | string | the full country name | |
region | string | ||
city | string | ||
postal_code | string | ||
timezone | string | ||
latitude | floating point number | can be negative | |
longitude | floating point number | can be negative | |
user_agent_parsed | for open and click events only, a parsed version of the user agent detected for the event. value will be null if user agent can't be determined. otherwise, an array of key/value pairs with the following keys: | ||
mobile | boolean | whether the user agent is a mobile agent | |
os_company | string | the operating system company | |
os_company_url | string | url of the operating system company | |
os_family | string | the operating system family, ie, linux, mac, windows | |
os_icon | string | url for an icon for the operating system | |
os_name | string | the name of the operating system used for the event | |
os_url | string | url for the operating system | |
type | string | the type of user agent (ie, "browser", "email client", "robot", etc. - these may be updated, so string values may be added) | |
ua_company | string | company for the user agent (specifically the browser or email client) | |
ua_company_url | string | url for the user agent company | |
ua_family | string | family for the user agent (ie, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) | |
ua_icon | string | url for an icon for the user agent | |
ua_name | string | name of the user agent | |
ua_url | string | url for the user agent | |
ua_version | string | version of the user agent | |
_id | the unqiue identifier of the message that generated the event. This is not an event identifier, but rather a reference to the message id for the email that was sent, opened, clicked, etc. | ||
msg | details about the message for which the event occurred. May be empty if the message that generated an open or click is older than 30 days, or when the message was not yet indexed when the event (open, click) occurred. | ||
_id | the unique identifier assigned to each email sent via Mandrill | ||
ts | the integer UTC unix timstamp that the message was sent | ||
the recipient's email address | |||
sender | the sender's email address | ||
subject | the subject line of the message | ||
smtp_events | an array of JSON objects, each of which is an SMTP response received for the message. Each item in the array will contain the following keys: | ||
ts | the timestamp of the SMTP event | ||
type | the type of SMTP event, such as 'sent' or 'deferred' | ||
diag | the SMTP diagnostic or response message returned by the receiving server | ||
source_ip | the Mandrill IP address that was attempting to send the message | ||
destination_ip | the remote IP address of the server Mandrill was connected to for message relay | ||
size | the size of the message being relayed | ||
opens | an array containing an item for each time the message was opened. Each open includes the following keys: | ||
ts | the timestamp for the open | ||
ip | the IP address where the open occurred | ||
location | the approximated geolocation of the IP where the open occurred | ||
ua | a string representation of the operating system and browser (or user agent) for the open | ||
clicks | an array containing an item for each click recorded for the message. Each item contains the following: | ||
ts | timestamp of the click | ||
url | the URL that was clicked | ||
tags | an array of the tag names that were applied to the message, if any | ||
metadata | an array of the metadata key:value pairs that were applied to the message, if any | ||
state | the state of the message (sent, rejected, spam, unsub, bounced, or soft-bounced) | ||
subaccount | the subaccount from which the message originated, if no subaccount was used, the value will be null | ||
diag | for bounced and soft-bounced messages, provides the specific SMTP response code and bounce description, if any, received from the remote server | ||
bounce_description | for bounced and soft-bounced messages, a short description of the bounce reason such as bad_mailbox or invalid_domain |
template | the slug of the template used, if any. If no template was used, the value will be null |